I first found this article while I was researching for my undergraduate thesis and have referred to it multiple times over the past few years. It has influenced my views on how to approach trauma work. I find myself working to increase the factors influencing resilience with my clients and, as a result, decreasing their symptoms and increasing their self-confidence and positive self-regard. The ideas presented in this article will likely continue to influence the way that I practice throughout the years as I have seen the benefits of the evidence-based theory.
This 5-page paper looks at the use of music therapy in counseling practice and how I might include it in my own practice. Music is something that I love, and have used it in many ways to connect with my clients and connect my clients with themselves.
These cards are some that I purchased online to print out and use with my kiddo clients to teach them different mindfulness techniques. I give a set to each kiddo that I work with, so they can have them to reference when they need them. I intend to keep using them.
I received this handout at my internship. It helps to explain the window of tolerance and gives examples of activities that help bring people back into their window. I am including it because it has been and will continue to be helpful in my future practice.
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